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Release Notes für die Versionen - ab v1.9
Last Updated 4 years ago
neuere Release Notes ab v1.10....
osTicket v1.9.6
- New Message-Id system allowing for better threading in mail clients (#1549, #1730)
- Fix forced session expiration after 24 hours (#1677)
- Staff panel logo is customizable (#1718)
- Priority fields have a selectable default (instead of system default) (#1732)
- Import/Export support for file contents via cli (#1661)
- Fix broken links in documentation, thanks @Chefkeks (#1675)
- Fix handling of some Redmond-specific character set encoding names (#1698)
- Include the users name in the "To" field of outbound email (#1549)
- Delete collaborators when deleting tickets (#1709)
- Fix regression preventing auto-responses for staff new tickets (#1712)
- Fix empty export if ticket details form has multiple priority fields (#1732)
- Fix filtering by list item properties in ticket filters (#1741)
- Fix missing icon for "add new filter", thanks @Chefkeks (#1735)
- Support Firefox v6 - v12 on the file drop widget (#1776)
- Show update errors on access templates (#1778)
- Allow empty staff login banner on update (#1778)
- Fix corruption of text thread bodies for third-party collaborator email posts (#1794)
- Add some hidden template variables to pop out content (#1781)
- Fix missing validation for user name and email address (#1816, eb8858e)
- Turn off search indexing when complete, disable incorrectly implemented work breaking, squelch error 1062 email from search backend (afa9692)
- Fix possible out of memory crash in custom forms (#1707, 0440111)
Performance und Sicherheit
- Fix generation of random data on Windows® platforms (#1672)
- Fix possible DoS and brute force on login pages (#1727)
- Fix possible redirect away from HTTPS on client login page, thanks @ldrumm (#1782)
osTicket V1.9.5.1
- Fix file.php to serve files added to system before osTicket v1.9.1
- Fix file.php to serve files if client panel or system is offline
- Fix popover download of inline images
- Avoid de-duplicating zero-length files
- Send new message alert to team members if not assigned to an agent
- Fix import of users to organization not setting the organization
- Fix redactor toolbar showing over the date picker (#1450, thanks @Chefkeks)
Performance und Sicherheit
- Fix XSS vulnerability in client language selection
osTicket V1.9.5
- Add support for organization vars in templates (`%{ticket.user.organization...}`) (#1561)
- Canned responses feature can now be disabled (#1562)
- Drop link redirection through l.php (#1640)
- Use unified file download script (#1641). Links can now be shared with external users and accessed without authenticating.
- Ticket filters support matching and banning based on the Reply-To user information (#1645)
- Remove custom data when users are deleted (#1492)
- Fix matching of ticket number in subject (regression in v1.9.4) (#1486)
- Several minor translatable strings (#1441, #1489, #1560), thanks @Chefkeks
- Fix invalid UTF-8 chars PDF error for empty thread title (regression in v1.9.4) (#1512)
- Consider auto response checkbox and department setting for new ticket by staff (#1509)
- Fix PHP crash if `finfo` extension is missing (#1437)
- Fix export of choice field items (#1436)
- Properly handle alert and auto response flags from API (#1435), thanks @stevepacker
- Fix current value of choice fields if set to boolean false (#1466)
- Do not reopen tickets for automated responses (#1529)
- Properly handle uppercase file extensions in file field configuration (#1549)
- Fix release of ticket lock when navigating away from ticket view (#1552)
- Display FAQ article consistently on client portal (#1553)
- Avoid wrapping password reset URLs on text emails (#1558)
- Fix field requirement for clients when only required for agents (#1559)
- Fix language selection for new email template group (#1563)
- Fix incorrect status of new ticket if opened as `closed` and assigning to an agent (#1565)
- Forbid disabling the only active administrator (#1569)
- Searching for tickets searches to midnight of the end date (#1572), thanks @grintor
- Fix rejection of tickets by filter, even if a previous matching filter would stop on match (#1644)
- Fix matching of `User / Email Address` in ticket filters (#1644)
- Properly HTML escape thread bodies when quoting (#1637)
- Use department email for agent alerts (#1555)
- Skip team assignment alert on new ticket if assigned to an agent (fddb3c7)
- Use custom form name as the page title when editing (#1646)
Performance und Sicherheit
- Fix possible XSS vulnerability in sortable table view pages (#1639)
osTicket V1.9.4
Neue Hauptfunktionen
- Neue Ticket Status (gelöst, archiviert, und gelöscht)
- Benutzerdefinierte Ticket Status
- Benutzerdefinierte Ticket-Nummern-Formate
- Volltextsuche (*beta*)
- Mehrfachauswahl für Auswahlfelder und benutzerdefinierte Auswahl-Listen
- Phase II Multi-Lingual Support (Kundenoberfläche) (see and (#1096)
- Aktuell aktive Oberflächen-Übersetzungen in 46 Sprachen
- Popup Hilfetipp Dokumentation in allen Sprachen
- Anzeigen der Landesflaggen im Kunden-Bereich für das manuelle Umschalten der Oberflächensprache
- Automatische Erkennung der bevorzugten Sprache für den Kunden- und Mitarbeiter-Bereich durch die Browsereinstellungen
- Verbesserte PDF-Ticket-Druck-Unterstützung, einschließlich einer stärkeren Unterstützung für östliche Zeichen wie Thai, Koreanisch, Chinesisch und Japanisch
- Korrekte Unterstützung für die Suche, einschließlich des Umbrechens von Wörtern für Sprachen, die keine Wortumbrüche verwenden, wie z.B. Japanisch
- Korrektes Benutzeroberflächen-Layout für Rechts-nach-Links-Sprachen wie Hebräisch, Arabisch und Farsi
- Rechts-nach-Links-Unterstützung für den HTML-Texteditor, unabhängig von der Ansicht der aktuellen Spracheinstellung des Benutzers
- Der richtige Umgang mit bidirektionalem Text in PDF-Ausgabe und in der Ticketansicht
- Plugins können benutzerdefinierte Konfigurationen haben (#1156)
- Aktualisierung von mPDF auf v5.7.3 (#1356)
- Hinzufügen der Unterstützung für PDF-Schriften in Sprachpaketen (#1356)
- Erweiterte Suche verbessert, um Mehrfachauswahlen, benutzerdefinierte Status und Fahnen zu unterstützen
- Fix display of text thread entries with HTML characters (`<`) (#1360)
- Fix crash creating new ticket if organization custom data has a selection field (#1361)
- Fix footer disappearance on PJAX navigation (#1366)
- Fix User Directory not sortable by user status (#1375)
- Fix loss of enduser or agent priority selection on new ticket (#1365)
- Add validation error if setting EndUser username to an email address (#1368)
- Fix skipped validation of some fields (#1369) (*regression from rc4*)
- Fix detection of inline attachments from rich text inputs (#1357)
- Fix dropping attachments when updating canned responses (#1357)
- Fix PJAX navigation crash in some browsers (#1378)
- Fix searching for tickets in the client portal (#1379) (*regression from rc4*)
- Fix crash submitting new ticket as agent with validation errors (#1380)
- Fix display of unanswered tickets in open queue (#1384)
- Fix incorrect statistics on dashboard page (#1345)
- Fix sorting by ticket number if using sequential numbers
- Fix threading if HTML is enabled and QR is disabled (#1197)
- Export ticket `created` date (#1201)
- Fix duplicate email where a collaborator would receive a confirmation for his own message (#1235)
- Fix multi-line display of checkbox descriptions (#1160)
- Fix API validation failure for custom list selections (#1238)
- Fix crash adding a new user with a selection field custom data
- Fix failed user identification from email headers if `References` header is sorted differently be mail client (#1263)
- Fix deletion of inline images on pages if draft was not saved (#1288)
- Fix corruption of custom date time fields on client portal if using non US date format (#1320)
- Fix corruption of email mailbox if improperly encoded as ISO-8859-1 without RFC 2047 charset hint (#1332)
- Fix occasional MySQL Commands OOS error from ORM (#1334)
Performance und Sicherheit
- Mögliche XSS-Schwachstelle in der E-Mail-Vorlagenverwaltung behoben (#1163)
osTicket V1.9.3
- Redactor link dialog has a few common links selectable (#1135)
- Fix missing `%{recipient}` variable used in canned reply (filters) (#1047)
- Fix `%{ticket.close_date}` variable in email message templates (#1090)
- Fix timezone offset used in time drop down (#1103)
- Fix premature session expiration (#1111)
- Correctly tag emails with source `email` (#1104)
- Correctly handle custom data for help topics (#1105)
- Fix validation and display issues for email mailboxes with system default priority and department (#1114)
- Fix crash when rendering custom list drop-downs with retired list items (#1113)
- Avoid system alert notices bouncing and creating tickets (#1115)
- Redactor no longer shortens URLs (#1135)
Performance und Sicherheit
Fix XSS vulnerability in user name (#1108, #1131)Fix XSS vulnerability in user name (#1108, #1131)
- Fix XSS vulnerability in user name (#1108, #1131)
osTicket v1.9.2
- Help topics have super powers (#974)
- They can be arbitrarily nested
- They can be manually sorted
- Admins can select a system default help topic
- They can inherit the form from a parent
- Form data entered to custom forms is preserved when switching help topics
- Update to Redactor 9.2.4 (
- Using canned responses no longer requires [Append] click (#973)
- Guests can sign out (#1000)
- Filter by custom list item properties (#1024)
- Time selection is based on admin configured time format (#1036)
- (Optionally) clients can access tickets without clicking email link (#999)
- Introduction of signals for mail filter plugins (#952)
- Fix a few glitches on site page management (#986)
- Fix saving department alert recipients (#985)
- Fix assignment to account manager regardless of setting (#1013)
- Fix dialog boxes on some PJAX navigations (#1034)
- Help topics are properly sorted in FAQ management (#1035)
- Fix MySQL commands out-of-sync triggered by the ORM (#1012)
- Clients can follow email links from multiple tickets (#1001)
- Workaround for PHP variable corruption issue (#917, #969)
- All other improvements cited in v1.8.3
Performance und Sicherheit
- Fix XSS vulnerability in phone number widget (#1025)
- Fix several XSS vulnerabilities in client and staff interfaces (#1024, #1025)
osTicket v1.9.1
- [Draft Saved] box does not show if nothing entered yet (be38e8b)
- `Your Information` is now translatable (b189b86)
- Canceling new ticket also deletes drafts (2695dce)
- A users organization can be updated (#955)
- Users can be removed from an organization (#957)
- Fix confusing form view after adding a new form (#923)
- Fix whitespace munging in emails if HTML ticket thread is disabled (#924)
- Fix [loading] popup on form save (#925)
- Fix URLs in emails linking through l.php (#929)
- Fix crash on custom list view if there no properties defined (#935)
- Fix handling of encoded email mailboxes with commas (#940)
- Fix display of link, external images in the ticket thread (99e719d)
- Fix crash submitting a new ticket with organization collaborators (7335525)
- Fix handling of custom date and time fields (#944)
- Fix PJAX detection of new deployment (a18bf0c)
- Fix continual release of ticket locks after navigation (30a3d2)
- Fix logout if following link from client email (bda2e42)
- Fix un-editable organization website (13312dd)
- Fix incorrect constant usage in User object (#958)
osTicket v1.9
Client Login and Registration
Setup flexible user registration policy for your help desk to match your needs. Users can register for accounts via the client portal and can now login with a username and password instead of email and ticket number. We also have a forgot-my-password link and several other new minor adjustments to the user profile.
External Authentication Support
Use third-party SSO to authenticate your users and staff. Initial support include OAuth2 and LDAP (v0.5 of the LDAP plugin is required)
User Directory
Search, view, and manage, even delete! contact information from the users from whom you receive tickets. Staff can also manually register users and even set an initial password. Users can also be imported and exported via CSV data.
Organize your users together into organizations. Organizations can have internal owners ("Account Manager") and external owners ("Primary Contact").
The Account Manager can receive new ticket and new message alerts. Organization Primary Contacts and members can be automatically added to tickets as collaborators.
User and Organization Notes
Quickly view, edit, add and remove pertinent notes on your users and organizations
Form Management
Staff members can now add, delete, and sort forms attached to tickets, users and organizations as well as remove stale data where fields have been retired from active forms.
Custom Properties for Lists
Add properties to your list items and use it in your email templates and pages. For example create an address property to a list of locations. List items can also be disabled now, which causes them to be hidden from selection.
PJAX page loading
For browsers supporting PJAX, navigating around the system will see a performance improvement as javascript and css files are not re-parsed for each page load.
Redactor 9.2
Several new features including a floating editor bar as well better support for non-US keyboards
Minor Enhancements
- Agent selection for assignment can be limited to the current department
- Complete help tip documentation for the Admin panel
- Email addresses can have an associated Help Topic
- Alerts and Notices can be disabled per Department
- Agent portal can have a login banner
- Inline images are not displayed with the attachments in the ticket view
- Original thread content format is saved (html or text)
- Alerts and Notices support quoted response removal